Tuesday, March 25, 2014

tension headaches in Harrow, London

Yesterday I treated a client with tension headaches that were so severe, they were afflicting her eyesight. My method: To loosen the spinal muscles, shoulders, neck and then to apply a head massage. The headache had alleviated by the end of the session and she did feel better. It is great when you see a direct excellent effect. From Kasem, Harrow Massage Therapy, Sports and Remedial in Harrow, London. www.harrowmassage.com 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Harrow Massage Recommends Soap Nuts - London

As a healer, I feel that soap nuts, a product that grows on trees in India and that cleans clothes without noxious toxic compounds and chemicals, must be promoted.  I read an article about five yeas ago and only last month tried them for the first time.  I feel guilt free knowing I am not damaging the water or the earth and in actuality, I feel happy that I am bringing more life, energy, joy, healing and a future for myself and others by knowing that if I poison the earth and its water, I will be poisoned and die.  So I encourage all my clients to give soap nuts a go.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage - Sports and Remedial, London.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

CV from Harrow Massage (Sports & Remedial) London

This is my CV from Harrow Massage Therapy - sports and remedial in London.  It includes a summary of my experience, and my educational past.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage Therapy http://harrowmassagetherapy.com/contact-harrow-massage/cv-harrow-massage-therapist/

Monday, March 17, 2014

Massage - remedial and sports helps depression

Any thought that massage can reduce depression is well founded.  A massage helps to bring the body and therefore mind to a higher level of peace and healing.  The issues relating to depression can be understood as being riveted to a stressed body and since our habits and thoughts are stored in our muscles, a massage can help us to take time out and literally let go of old pain, inertia or depression within the body, and I understand that the body and mind are interlinked and reflect one another.  A regular course of treatments is recommended for results to be truly present.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage Sports & Remedial, in Harrow, London. www.harrowmassagetherapy.com

Friday, March 14, 2014

Massage lowers blood pressure in Harrow, London

The idea that massage lowers blood pressure is not so far fetched when you consider that a massage allows the client an opportunity to simply relax whilst your body responds to techniques specifically designed to elicit healing and relaxation.  The fact of being in a state of calm produces a condition where the stresses and stressors in life are placed at a distance or neutralised.  High blood pressure is a response to stress and massage can be used effectively to reduce stress and channel more healing and vitality to both mind and body.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage - Sports & Remedial in Harrow, London.  www.harrowmassagetherapy.com

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Back Pain relieved by Harrow Massage in London

Relieves lower back pain:  Anyone who has injured their back will know it is debilitating and can even ruin life.  The mind body feedback mechanism ensures that back pain brings about the dreaded psychological condition called depression.  Massage treats the soft tissue in the back and aims to release tension, encourage the removal of toxins and brings about the conditions where healing can take place.  An injury is basically inflammation and pain and it is the body's protection system and massage helps to shorten the time the body is inflamed, in pain and of the body holding muscles in a tight guarded position.  The back is the key structural feature of the body and a regular course of remedial massage treatments can do wonders and bring healing, flexibility and freedom.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage - Sports & Remedial in London. www.harrowmassagetherapy.com

Monday, March 10, 2014

Stress and pain relief through regular Massage in Harrow, London

It can not be minimised; a stressed body is linked with a stressed mind.  This is mutually interlocked and the mind's state gets fed into the body and so forth.  If you think or expose your mind to stressful or hash images and sounds or sensations, your body will be flooded with elevated stress hormones, fight or flight, higher inflammation markers and a generally lowered immune system.  Our posture and muscles contain emotions and hold pain, knowledge and a great part of receiving a sports or remedial massage is releasing the pain and emotions that cleave to our organism.  A regular course of massage is a powerful way to rid our minds and bodies of stress, pain and of holding onto old emotions within the body and posture.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage - Sports and Remedial, in London. www.harrowmassagetherapy.com

Friday, March 7, 2014

When we do sport our muscles get used in a dynamic way which if there is a lack of adequate warm up and stretching before and after can result in an accumulation of injuries that become acute or even worse, chronic.  The way massage works is to move soft tissue or muscle by lengthening and applying strategies to encourage the area to twitch out of tension.  A sports massage is really a plan that includes a long term vision to get the athlete to understand stretching, diet and sufficient hydration.  A sports massage can help an acute injury, help a chronic nagging injury or to help tone up, relax the body to maximise performance and athletic output.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage - Sports &Remedial.  London.  www.harrowmassagetherapy.com

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Neck Locked solution Harrow Massage London

Getting up and having a locked neck is a real pain.  It is probably caused by sleeping in a contorted position during the night, or having a dream or thought process that caused you to activate your neck muscles over a long period of time resulting in the morning strain.  The problem is that when you use your muscles in a particular way, habits form and the likelihood of reoccurring injury is quite high.  Massage helps you to become aware and connected with how you hold tension in your body and this alone can give you the insight and data to manage your tension and stress levels.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage Therapy (Sports&Remedial) London.  www.harrowmassagetherapy.com

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Massage helps Hypertension in Harrow, London

 As anyone who has had a massage, it is by nature relaxing and the power of touch is healing and soothing on a level we can not explain.  A massage with an applied technique with an objective to heal, relax an area or like with Swedish Massage, just to have a soothing relaxing massage.  Hypertension is a chronic syndrome where a person's blood pressure is elevated to levels that precede heart attacks and strokes, and result in poor health along with a reduced quality of life.  How massage works is through a proven relationship between massage and reduced stress levels in general, which impinges on the vascular system, which has muscles within its structure, allowing them to relax.  This is the basics of  how massage alleviates hypertension.   To be successful, you really do need to be consistent and book a set of five or more treatments, and make changes to your diet and lifestyle.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage Therapy- Sports & Remedial in London 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Harrow Massage London - Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Our lymphatic system is a type of circulatory system with lymph vessels, nodes, lymph fluid and lymphocytes.  It is part of the immune system and the adenoids, spleen, tonsils and thymus and are part of the lymphatic system.  The lymphatic system has no pump like the heart and relies on movement, exercise and jumping around to get the lymph fluid circulating.  Therefore, movement is key to an excellent immune system and massage can assist in bringing this about too.  A lymphatic drainage massage is one where the therapist moves and activates the circulation of lymph in the armpits, groin, neck and the chest and abdomen.  It is essentially a gentle massage and can help decrease the intensity and duration of colds, flues, and other acute or chronic conditions attributed to a sluggish immune system.  From Kasem, Harrow Massage - Sports and Remedial in London.  www.harrowmassagetherapy.com