As anyone who has had a massage, it is by nature relaxing and the power of touch is healing and soothing on a level we can not explain. A massage with an applied technique with an objective to heal, relax an area or like with Swedish Massage, just to have a soothing relaxing massage. Hypertension is a chronic syndrome where a person's blood pressure is elevated to levels that precede heart attacks and strokes, and result in poor health along with a reduced quality of life. How massage works is through a proven relationship between massage and reduced stress levels in general, which impinges on the vascular system, which has muscles within its structure, allowing them to relax. This is the basics of how massage alleviates hypertension. To be successful, you really do need to be consistent and book a set of five or more treatments, and make changes to your diet and lifestyle. From Kasem, Harrow Massage Therapy- Sports & Remedial in London
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